Thursday, May 8, 2008

Personal Developments Picture To Life's Puzzle

Have you ever thought you were a Superhero pretending to be an ordinary person? Meaning you could be better than you think you are!

And with this thought you have set out on a search for personal development trying to find the Holy Grail or could I say your True Self.

Have you been and done every personal development course out there and read every self help book you can get your hands on, only to find that you are only slightly the better for it or it doesn’t seem to last or stick?

I must admit, personal development has improved different aspects of my life, but the problem I was having with everything I learnt from different sources all said the same thing and I could not put the pieces of life’s puzzle together. In the end it left me more confused and frustrated then I could ever explain.

Well… That was until I finished a course on the 25th of April 2008 called Broadband Consciousness (BC) founded in October 2007 by the Amazing Richard Wilkins & Liz Ivory.

I can now say I have the picture of life’s puzzle on the lid of the box and I can and have started putting all the pieces together.

How can I say this after what I said in the first few paragraphs?

Unlike everything else I have studied this is getting stronger and stronger with time!

Simply put in two words. It Works!

Now… I can not honestly say I don’t have crap in my life any more, because I do. The difference is the crap is not my crap. I can separate my true self from all the negative stuff in my life that is not really me. The sort of stuff you learn growing up, passed on like a virus from generations of social conditioning, friends, peers, society, etc.

For example; hold both your hands out in front of you. In one hand you have a criticism and in the other you have a compliment. What do most people choose to hold on too? That’s right, a criticism. Now what would you choose? That’s right a compliment.

So… who or what is choosing to hold onto the criticism?

Well… That is what we call the script!

The script is not who we truly are, it is all that conditioning I mentioned before. I think you get the picture, right!

So what does all this mean for you?

You see, when you get this, you realize all the limiting beliefs are not who you truly are. We are magnificent beings, who can truly do the most amazing things with this gift we have been given… ourselves and do you know what the best gift you could give to anybody (including yourself) is? You guessed it… Your True Self!

There is so much crap out there and all we want is real. The more real someone is the more we like them. Would you agree?

Now I hear you asking, how do I get this?

Well it is simple really… I have set this blog up so you can hear from people (Super Hero’s) that have completed the Broadband Consciousness (BC) Course so you can either pick bits and pieces from all of us as we submit to this blog and make the most of it for your life’s puzzle and/or you can apply to attend the BC course yourself so you can immerse and pickle yourself with this wonderful message that Richard and Liz have to share with you so you will finally be able to put your life’s puzzle together and find your true self to share with all those you love and care about.

The best thing about this course is that its message gets stronger and stronger with time and the civil war inside your head gets quieter and quieter.

It’s not about changing anything; it is about becoming aware of who you really are...

An amazing human being! Whether you believe it or not, the truth is the truth.

It’s about going beyond your script and Being Your True Self.

Below I have attached Richard and Liz’s introduction to the course. After reading this, please feel free to contact them for more information.

Also as the Superhero’s submit to this blog feel free to ask any of us questions about our experiences before and after the course.

To Your True Self,

Flying High,

Shane Michaels

The next course available is on the 16th of June 2008.

Out of the 7 positions available there are only 3 left.

For more information contact Richard and Liz.

Have Fun :)

If the image below is to small to read just click on it and it will come up in a new window for better reading.


Richard Wilkins is the UK's Minister For Inspiration! Richard has an amazing and Inspiring rags to riches to rags to richer story, which is a fantastic example of change and transformation. He left school at 15 with zero qualifications. By 37 he was a self-made millionaire living in a 35-room mansion, set in 70 acres of parkland, driving not one, but a fleet of Ferraris! A traumatic divorce was soon followed by the worst recession in history, which wiped out his property company and wiped out Richard. Alone, terrified and broke Richard hit rock bottom.

Ready to retire at 40, Richard had now lost his family, his home, his business and worst of all he lost his self worth. In his own words, "rock bottom is when the light at the end of the tunnel goes out". Literally Richard planned his own suicide. It was at that time that Richard overheard a conversation that would change his life. He overheard someone say, "Old Fred, he'll get there one day" Richard had enjoyed a lottery winner’s lifestyle but had never once thought that he was 'there'. Richard went in search of 'there' and found it! He discovered that the only reason we ever do anything is to feel good, not think good, that we are emotionally not intellectually driven. Richard realised that he had been looking in the wrong filing cabinet, he had been looking in the filing cabinet marked ‘external’ when what he really wanted was ‘internal’, the feeling.

Richard realised that feelings don’t come from things, that we already own the feelings we want, that we already own the end result! Richard developed the unique ability to transcend reason and access the feelings we all long for. The effect was huge, dramatic, permanent and life-changing. Soon everyone wanted to know how Richard had achieved the huge transformation in the face of such adversity. The result... his world changed from Black & White to Colour. Today Richard is the international author of five best selling self-help books and Inspiring CD programmes. He has reached literally millions of people through his many TV appearances and magazine articles.

Richard’s company is called ‘The Ministry of Inspiration Ltd’ and he is the self-elected ‘Minister for Inspiration’. Richard now speaks for many top organisations achieving amazing results. Some of these companies include…

BT - The Home Office - Novo Pharmaceuticals (Denmark) - Carlton TV - Standard Life Insurance (Scotland) - The coaching Academy - Paragon Plc (France) - Blue Arrow Recruitment – Young Enterprise - Institute of Directors – Nokia (Denmark) - British American Business Council (USA) - AXA Health – Gleeds - Forever Living Products (UK –Sweden-Denmark-Holland-Ireland) –Action International - BBC - B&Q – Kleeneze - Thales Aerospace (UK Division). Island One Resorts– (USA)

Companies have been so impressed with the results of Richard's work that they enlisted The Ministry of Inspiration to make major cultural changes within their organisations. Richard delivers his Inspiring message with an infectious combination of wit, wisdom, fun and passion. He always leaves his audience Inspired by giving them a lasting and uplifting emotional experience.

With UK Minister For Inspiration Richard Wilkins

Respect no longer comes automatically with seniority…
Respect is vital for relationships personal and professional, yet it no longer comes automatically with seniority – it has to be earned. Discover how Authentic Leaders earn the respect vital for all true Leadership and lasting relationships.

The definition of Inspiration is: to be emotionally uplifted.
How we think is a process, how we feel is a result.
Authentic Leaders develop highly evolved emotional communication skills – discover how to connect, communicate and lift people on a highly emotional level.

Most people are driven – Authentic Leaders are drivers!
Discover how to move up to the next level and become a creator not a waiter of the outcomes that you want.

All great inventors, great visionaries, great leaders in history all went beyond the social norms.
Most people are not choosing how they respond instead they are reading from a script passed down from their parents and peers. Discover how in this hugely powerful and popular concept we can go beyond the script and become a truly Authentic Leader…It’s the stuff dreams and great leaders are made of.

PO BOX 454
TEL: +44(0)1604 761 886

The next course available is on the 16th of June 2008.

Out of the 7 positions available there are only 3 left.

For more information contact Richard and Liz.

Have Fun :)

How BC works - Richard Wilkins Co Founder.

How Broadband consciousness works - Liz Ivory Co Founder.

How BC changed the way everybody sees me - Shane Michaels.

How BC made my life one big holiday - Tom Cassidy.

How BC tought me to fly above the weather - Karen Footmam.

How BC's the first course that really worked - Jeff Scarlett.

How BC improved my NLP training courses - Lucie Hobson.

How BC literally gave me love and my soul mate...Joe Mills.

What ever you do watch the last 30 seconds of this video!

BC works long term!

Cindy flopa, 'Broadband Cnscienceness: Snif nahal !'

What BC has done for me.

What they say about…
‘150 ways to make your life 10/10’
‘10/10 The Yellow Book’
‘Mental Tonic’
Richard Wilkins

Stella McCartney ‘…the books brighten up my day…’

Gerry Halliwell ‘…these books have inspirational quotations
which sort of bully you into feeling better…’

Jill Dando ‘…they will prove inspirational in times of need…’

Richard Branson ‘…how delightful…’

Daily Mail ‘…thoughts that make you think about what’s important
in life…’

New Woman ‘…a must for a stressed out soul…’

British Telecom ‘…nothing but praise for the pertinence of the
books contents…in keeping with the aspirations and lifestyle of our managers…’

British Reflexology ‘…these pocket sized books are filled with a wealth
of advice…’

Reading Post ‘…deep and humorous…’

Looking Good Magazine ‘…he draws from experiences which sound
incredibly far fetched, but really happened to him…’

All About Making Money ‘…full of inspirational thoughts and inspiring snippets…
sign post readers can use to guide their lives…’

Success Now ‘…if ever you needed evidence that success – real success is
not just about making money, then this story will convince you…’


TEL: +44(0)1604 761 886


The next course available is on the 16th of June 2008.

Out of the 7 positions available there are only 3 left.

For more information contact Richard and Liz.

Have Fun :)

Outside BC's Venue

Rainbow Outside During An Amazing Exercise Of Realization.

BC's Venue From Across Feild

Inside BC's Venue

Jeff Scarlett Script Busting

Superhero Cole

Our Hero's Richard & Liz

BC's 1st Course

BC's 2nd Course

BC's 3rd Course

Our Course

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